▚ History

What is the AVEC?

AVEC is the acronym of ‘Advanced Vascular and Endovascular Connect’. AVEC is the French word which means “WITH”. As a meaning of this, AVEC hope to connect and communicate with all expertises and specialties who deal with the vascular disease.

AVEC can provide:

Discuss the latest basic and clinical investigations to guide how to manage optimally the patients with vascular disease. Integrate the newest interventional techniques and devices related to patient care in vascular disease. Learn numerous treatment modalities

Who attends AVEC?

  • Vascular surgeons
  • Cardiac surgeons
  • Intervention radiologists
  • Interventional cardiologists
  • Physicians interested in vascular surgery, interventional cardiology and radiology
  • Basic scientists
  • Vascular medicine specialists
  • Nurses and technologists
  • Other health care professionals with special interest in the interventional vascular therapy and medicine